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G2A extends deadline for key blocking tool after embarrassing lack of support

G2A Charges Users For Inactive Accounts

You’re probably tired of hearing about G2A, so how about a joke? OK, not a joke really, but we can still laugh at the latest punching bag of the games industry, G2A.

G2A has been the subject of much controversy lately, as a slew of criticism over their poor handling of credit card fraud, chargebacks and other scamming on their service has come under intense fire. The latest wave surrounds the trend the key reseller has created by profiting off of indie games sold on their service in a rather unscrupulous way. In short, indie developers don’t see any revenue from G2A, and often lose money due to scams and fraud resulting from the model.

G2A attempted to quiet the uproar, to little effect. Even going so far as to say that they will pay back any fraud to victimized independent developers by ten-fold. This was essentially an admission that they don’t think it’s an issue worth being concerned about, and people were not happy.

A further plan would allow developers to supply a list of keys to G2A so that they would be prevented from being sold on the service entirely.  G2A requested support from 100 developers before they would invest in building a key-blocking tool, it didn’t go as planned.

The signatories for the list of developers who support such an endeavor isn’t impressive by any means. Only 19 people signed on with G2A’s effort to show their support. This laughable response was not only predictable, given the weak and often offensive responses G2A has given on the issue, but it’s also a joke when you consider how much independent developers appear to support removing G2A from the equation. A petition started by Mike Rose, who kicked off most of this round of controversy on Twitter, gained nearly 6,300 signatures.

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Of the 19 on the list, the most well-known name is Deep Silver, a company that many fans are angry with over the handling of Epic Store exclusivity for Metro Exodus.

So while the deadline has been extended for signatures on the key blocking tool, there’s little indication that it will make any difference. It seems pretty clear what the opinion of G2A is within the minds of both consumers and developers.

G2A has consistently demonstrated a willingness to sweep problems under the rug for the sake of their wallets. It’s long past time that they actually do something about the toxic influence they’ve created within the games industry. If only 8% of their business is indie titles, it’s time for them to eat some humble pie and listen to those developers.

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