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Frozen city builder Frostpunk is scheduled for release by the end of March


This War of Mine, a cheery little game about surviving the hell of a warzone as a civilian, set a specific tone for developers 11 Bit Studios. Frostpunk is a post-apocalyptic city builder that forces the player to shepherd a dwindling population through a world frozen by climate disaster. So in other words, the cheery tones abound in Frostpunk too.

Want to see some other new releases, sure thing!

The developers have provided a new update on the game’s progress, saying that they’re ramping up toward the game’s release, which is scheduled to be “by the end of Q1,” or by March 31 according to the update. As we move closer to release, we’ll be getting more information as the date draws closer.

The first bit of news we got this week was in the form of a new developer update vlog. This video introduces massive machines called Automatons, huge machines built to handle the tasks that human populations cannot hope to accomplish. You’ll have to manage the refueling and repairs of these vital constructs, I hope you’ve brushed up your resource management skills.

Frostpunk is set to be available across Steam, GOG, Humble, and “other digital stores for Windows.” No word on pre-orders or final price just yet, but the developers do indicate the price will be somewhere between that of a small indie title and a AAA release.

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