General Gaming News

Forza Motorsport 7 to remove loot boxes next month

Forza Horizon 4

Turn 10 is finally removing loot boxes from Forza Motorsport 7 in November after sustained player feedback turned public opinion against the system. And while the racing game was well-received since it’s release, there’s been one thing that gamers and fans consistently disliked.

The Driver Crates system in the game wasn’t a true loot box, given that it exchanged in-game currency for different rewards, the only aspect distinguishing it from a more traditional system was the lack of direct RMT. Players could earn usable driver cards that granted them bonuses such as boosts of EXP and Credits when used. This gameplay-altering experience led to a fair amount of player outrage, and because the system was deeply integrated within the game, it took time to take out of Forza Motorsport 7.

An announcement from the developer showed that the game will continue to offer a form of increased Credits and EXP, but not in a randomized fashion. As of next month, the Race Shop will take over the functionality. the Mod Cards that offer these rewards can be bought directly using in-game currency. No details on individual item pricing were revealed during the announcements from Turn 10.

Check back later for more news about this and other loot box controversy.

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