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Fortnite releases tentative 8.20 patch notes

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Epic has been quietly and steadily working on changes and patches for their flagship battle royale title, Fortnite. The company has been churning out bug fixes, new content and plenty of patches to players to make the game even better. This trend will continue with the release of the latest Fortnite patch, 8.20. That patch is actually a bit of a ways off, but Epic wants to give us a preview.

To that end, Epic Games’ community coordinator Sean Hamilton, a.k.a. u/MrPopoTFS, has posted preliminary patch notes for Fortnite’s update v8.20 over on Reddit. Here’s the highlights.

Weapons and Other Gameplay

A bunch of weird issues like players going invulnerable when interacting with certain mechanics got the axe in Fortnite’s 8.20 patch. Server stability has been improved across the board as well, with less crashes being experienced. The developers are also looking to iterate on gameplay mechanics released in previous patches, fixing an oversight with the Baller vehicle and trap damage.


The biggest fix some players will be looking forward to will be a solution to the bug that changes a player’s Squad Fill preference to “Fill,” that can lead to queuing up with undesired players. There’s a bunch of bugs on mobile devices, like the field of view glitching out or minimap flicker, that have been addressed too. UI elements should also be properly seated, meaning the main menu won’t float off-center.

Epic is also working on fixes for other bugs that remain unresolved, like having the reticle on a weapon disappear sometimes, although things like that have yet to be dealt with.

Glitches with art and animations assets have been nixed with v8.20 as well.

You can of course find the full patch notes, as least as they currently exist, down below.

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