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Fortnite deploys 6.10 update that adds Quadcrasher and Gravedigger

Quadcrasher Teased for Fortnite

Epic Games has released the full patch notes for update 6.10, which brings the new Quadcrasher vehicle into Fortnite.

The patch also introduces a new in-game Events system, where you’ll find scheduled tournaments sessions to sign up for. These tourneys are cross-platform as well, so expect some pretty stiff competition.

Players in Save the World mode also got some new goodies with the update. 6.10 puts the Gravedigger and Rat King weapons into the spawn pool.  The Beta Storm will also get some new content for players to fool around with.

PS4 Pro owners also got a nice bit of news with this update. That platform will now support a higher resolution, rendering at 1440p if you’re connected to a 4K TV. Fortnite update 6.10 also introduces a number of weapon adjustments and bug fixes, so be sure to have a gander at the patch notes here.

In other news about the game, Epic has started suing cheaters in their games.

Fortnite is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and iOS devices. An Android beta is currently taking place. If you want to pick up a new bundle Microsoft has announced a new Xbox One S bundle for this game. And even the Nintendo Switch is getting a custom Fortnite bundle.

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