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First gameplay trailer for Nioh 2 released, game getting closed alpha

Nioh 2 Teased, Getting Alpha Test

Nioh is a bit of a strange game franchise. The ARPG from Team Ninja launched on the PS4 back in 2017, to immediate comparisons to Dark Souls that helped cement an intricate combat system and unique style as a very weird RPG entry. It’s story is strange in tone and it mixes history and fantasy with a very interesting feel. The combat is where it really makes a standout point though, as Nioh uses a mix of stamina management, unpredictable melee combat and creative boss designs to foster a feeling of intensity and challenge that players loved.

They seemed to love it enough that the game is now getting a sequel sometime this year. Team Ninja tweeted a short teaser about an upcoming PS4 alpha for the game as well. Nioh 2 is being developed by Team Ninja and will be published by KOEI Tecmo, so expect more of the same quirks that made the original so special. No real details about gameplay or other important aspects yet though, just a short teaser.

The game is due for a closed alphas test quite soon actually. The ‘Closed Alpha’ test, as it’s known, will kick off from May 24th and run through June 2nd. Although there’s no firm date for the full release of the game, the release of this trailer hints that the game is relatively close to being revealed. It’s possible that the game will get more of a reveal at E3 2019. Until then, take a look at the teaser for the sequel down below.

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