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EVE Online announces new Rogue Drones PvE content

Summon the Swarm - New Rogue Drone PVE Content

CCP has been working on a lot of different content additions to EVE Online. Last month, the developers announced a revamp of the skilling system. The new AIR system was meant to simplify easing new players into training alts, especially with the new skill plans. The NPE is not the only thing we’re getting either, there’s some new PvE content that was just announced.

Called Summon the Swarm, CCP has added a bunch of new Rogue Drone Sites to the game. These PvE dungeons will spawn across New Eden, and players can complete them for ISK and other bonuses. The crucial thing to note about this content is that’s not for new players at all. The game is actually pushing for players flying Carriers and Dreadnaughts to run these sites.

Capital-focused PvE is a pretty unique concept in EVE, as most PvE sites of this kind are subcapital-focused. The sites must be spawned via a special item that is anchored in space. As CCP put it “A CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon can be anchored by any ship, but must be linked to by a ship capable of supporting its operation – a dreadnought, carrier, supercarrier, or titan.” So yes, you can run these in a Titan if you want to get ambushed by other players with the priciest ships in the game.

As for what you get for doing these sites, aside from the ISK, players noticed something new. The Mutaplasmids are getting new additions. Rogue Drone Mutaplasmids are the same as the others—meaning you can modify their base stats to improve them—and can only drop from these sites when completed.

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When you link to the beacon, it powers up and spawns a sight around you. The mix of Rogue Drone types spans the gamut from tacklers to long-range enemies. Ravens, Dominix’s, Prophecies and Oracles have all been seen. You will have to contend with ships that hit you from all ranges, with multiple damage types. Basically, this is end-game PvE that acts as a bridge towards Incursions.

If you’re looking to get into EVE, be sure to check out our revived free trial offer so you can make some more easy ISK.

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