Since the release of Strategic Cruisers in Apochrypha, and the more recent introduction of T3 destroyers, there has been speculation about what the next phase of technology for New Eden ships will look like. A recent blog written in-lore discusses the keel-laying ceremony of a new Imperial flagship, based on the Abaddon Battleship. The announcement also served as a proclamation of Empress Jamyl Sarum’s first official public appearance in quite a while.
Sarum has been a key lore figure for months, primarily acting as a potential rallying point for preparedness against Drifter aggression. Although some within the playerbase suspect ulterior motives. Sarum recently gifted advanced shield tech to capsuleers, prompting the now widespread usage of Entosis links as a counter. Sarum has painted quite a target on her back in recent months, as a result, some are speculating that the Drifters may use the opportunity to strike at Sarum herself.
The ship specifications themselves are somewhat vague, but several statements regarding subsystems, energy weapons, and advanced power technology hint that this new flagship could be the basis for an advanced line of Imperial Navy forces. The potential for balance changes from this event for the battleship meta could be great. Although it seems more likely that the balance issues of T3s are something CCP would like to avoid. Which means the Imperial Issue ships possibly based on this design will likely be Tournament prizes or otherwise limited issue.
Update: A short while ago, the Empress arrived in an Avatar-class Titan, and began a short speech thanking various corps and alliances for their assistance to Imperial forces. She then announced the name of the new flagship: Auctoritas.
Auctoritas is a Latin word and is the origin of English “authority”. While historically its use in English was restricted to discussions of the political history of Rome, the beginning of phenomenological philosophy in the 20th century expanded the use of the word.
Empress Jamyl then began answering certain questions relating to events of late, before quickly departing via cynosural field. Those interested in a visual account can find screenshots below.