General Gaming News

After three years, Epic Games Store gets cart functionality

Epic Games Store

It finally freaking happened. The Epic Games Store finally has a cart. It only took an agonizing three years for such a simple convenience to be added. Now, you won’t have to buy games one at a time anymore. Finally, all that money spent on exclusives might actually result in more paying users.

The storefront will now have an “add to cart” option that will allow you to make more than one purchase at a time. Yes, in case you didn’t know. The game store launched without any such functionality. That modern convenience we take for granted was missing from a major Steam competitor.

The Epic Games Store launched three years ago in December 2018, and has been lagging behind the entire time. Despite getting an instant user base thanks to the mountains of free games, revenues were lagging behind. The storefront was missing many key features. And with Steam becoming the titan of PC gaming distribution, Epic has a battle ahead of it.

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Other changes came about as a result of competitive pressure. One such change was the realignment of the EGS refund policy, to mostly align with Steam. The developers of massive hit Fortnite also added achievements to attract users who like that gamification aspect of Steam. It remains to be seen just how much revenue can be affected by the Epic Games Store’s new cart.

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.