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Epic Games Achievements are coming, finally

The Epic Games Store is getting better achievements

Epic Games Achievements are finally coming to the Epic Games Store, if you care about that. Players will be able to gain account XP that levels up their accounts. as they earn new achievements. Completing tasks in popular games like Rocket League, Pillars of Eternity, Kena and more will have some kind of meaning.

To start, Epic Achievements will only be available on a few games, including Rocket LeagueHadesPillars of EternityKenaZombie Army 4, and Alan Wake Remastered. Achievements will be broken up into four levels: Bronze (which award 5-45 XP), Silver (50-95 XP), Gold (100-200 XP), and Platinum (Awarded when you gain 1,000 XP in a game, with a 250 XP bonus).

The profile XP added alongside Epic Games Achievements is the other new component here. Right now, it doesn’t actually do anything. But I guess it’s nice to have another half-finished feature on EGS compared to literally nothing. The storefront already had a basic achievement system that will remain in place as “developer achievements”, although these will probably be patched out by most developers in favor of the new system.

When Achievements officially launch in the Epic Games Store, each supported title will have an Achievements page for its fans to track. This will likely be just as pointless as it is on Steam currently. At least the EGS doesn’t have to contend with the mess that is Trading Cards and the item marketplace, yet.

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“This new Epic Achievements system adds additional benefits for players and brings them more in line with achievement systems on other platforms. We expect this new system will roll out all developers on the Epic Games Store in the coming months.”

The announcement follows a long period of little development on requested features by actual gamers. The launcher came out without even a shopping cart to support multi-item purchases. This made it painfully slow to purchase multiple games from the EGS. Aside from that, there were also some obvious growing pains like lack of transparency about when future updates would be deployed.

Despite the delay in desperately needed features, Epic persisted in throwing money at the problem. I guess that $1 billion in funding was more helpful to EGS than we thought. Although with millions of users and little in sales, the company still lost hundreds of millions of dollars on the effort.

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