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‘Elder Scrolls: Blades’ is an RPG on mobile

Elder Scrolls Blades

At E3 2018, Bethesda announced another Elder Scrolls game that wasn’t Elder Scrolls VI. This new game, Elder Scrolls Blades is an in-depth mobile game that’s trying to be a true Elder Scrolls RPG that you can play on the go. This new title is a free-to-play mobile game in The Elder Scrolls series that uses touch screen controls as you explore dungeons and outdoor areas. It can be played landscape or portrait.

Combat in the game will mostly be a one-on-one affair using touch screen controls for melee attacks and spells.

The game also includes an endless dungeon system that’s procedurally generated. It’s actually meant to be much more difficult than normal Elder Scrolls dungeons because the ones in Elder Scrolls Blades are being build more along the lines of a rogue-like. There’s also a full settlement customization system wherein you build your own town.

No full list of platforms or firm release date yet, but expect more news in the coming months.

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