General Gaming News

Dying Light 2 delayed to Spring 2020

Dying Light 2

Gamers have had a ton of bad news this week, with a bunch of delays and cancellations. wandering about the industry. Now, we have another delay. Developer Techland has announced that the company has delayed their upcoming zombie title, Dying Light 2. It’s always sad to hear these kinds of breaking news, as Techland has usually done a pretty good job with their games. The zombie games produced by the company have always been pretty good. It looks as though the developer wants to keep up that reputation, as they have decided to push back their newest game.

The company has decided that the current state of the game just was not up to snuff. “We were initially aiming for a Spring 2020 release with Dying Light 2, but unfortunately we need more development time to fulfill our vision,” said the studio in their announcement. Fan reaction to the reveal has been mixed. Many are supportive of the decision, some are curious for more details. Some more frustrated users say the release has taken too long and they could be fed up.

No new release date or window have been provided at the time of writing. “We apologise for this unwelcome news,” added Techland, and thanked fans for their patience. “Our priority is to deliver an experience that lives up to our own high standards and to the expectations of you, our fans.” The developer was originally quoted as saying they would push toward better visuals and more engaging gameplay with the sequel, and it’s possible this bit them in the butt a bit, and they had to delay to make it all work. The company has also worked heavily on the original game, publishing a ton of DLC content for Dying Light as well.

Dying Light 2 joins Cyberpunk 2077, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Marvel’s Avengers as titles which have announced delays this week alone. All of these titles will now miss their associated planned release dates. Ubisoft has also announced a cancellation of a nearly-complete video game over at their Montreal studio.  And in the case of Dying Light 2, no reveal yet for when the new exact release date will be.

Dying Light 2 is now slated to debut for PC and consoles in Spring 2020.

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