General Gaming NewsMMORPGs

Diablo III 2.4.0 Patch Deployed to PTR


Diablo 3 players may have been disappointed by the lack of news about new expansions to the game at BlizzCon, but this disappointment may have been dampened somewhat by news about the changes being introduced in 2.4.

The patch was deployed to the PTR (Public Test Realm) late last night for testing by the community. The patch notes are huge but notable additions include the new zones with the Royal Quarters and the  Eternal Woods. There’s also the new Greyhollow Island to explore.Also being included is a slew of new item sets and recipes for the various classes of the game.

The various new additions and combat tweaks being added in this patch are quite the doozie, and should keep players happy for some time. Be sure to keep your eyes on Blizzard in the next few days for news of the upcoming new season as well.

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