So with the launch of Umbral Engrams in Season of Arrivals, players are hunting powerful new gear. Destiny 2 has a rather complex Power Level, or PL, system in place for rating gear. The PL of gear and its associated perks are a huge part of the metagame. Players will be looking to squeeze every bit of PL out of their gear.
And with a new glitch that has been uncovered, there may be a new way to do just that. The new season of content has introduced a new Umbral Engrams focusing mechanic that allows you to target Engram drops to a particular gear type. The new glitch requires you to have a bunch of basic/unfocused Umbral Engrams in your inventory, so hold on to those.
Head to the Tower and meet with the Drifter. Open up the Prismatic Recaster and then navigate to the Light & Dark panel. This is where the perks related to the process. You will invest the levels unlocked in the Recaster into various perks, and it appears that one particular one is broken. This strategy won’t work for all Engrams, just Umbral Engrams focused for Armor drops. So if you’re hunting Temptation’s Hook or other weapons, this won’t work for you. The glitch itself relies on the “Umbral Mastery I” perk.
Destiny 2: Umbral Engrams PL Glitch
Here’s how the glitch works:
- Take a Tier 1 Armor-focused Umbral Engram and make sure it has a PL equal to your current gear, minus any Artifact boosts.
- Once it is Armor-locked, pop it via the Umbral Decoder.
- This should result in a boosted PL value.
Even though the “Umbral Mastery I” perk states that only “the first three Umbral Engrams decrypted each week drop at higher power levels,” it seems to not be coded properly. It appears as though some Engrams will gain the bonus after the first three have been unlocked. The jump isn’t huge, but some reports are denoting armor pieces dropping with +5 PL or more. This is above the normal PL drops. So with this glitch, a 1035 PL piece of gear has a PL of 1040 or so.
The glitch is a bit inconsistent. If you try it on other Tier 1 Focused Engrams other than Armors, it doesn’t seem to work. Also, trying to do it for more than 1 Engram at a time doesn’t seem to work either. Just stick to doing the trick with 1 Umbral Engrams at a time.
Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals is available on Steam.