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Destiny 2 Shadowkeep and New Light delayed to October

Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes

Destiny fans got some bad news this week as Bungie as announced a major let down with the upcoming major expansion to Destiny 2. The Shadowkeep and New Light content expansion to the shooter was supposed to drop soon, bringing a ton of changes to the game. Bungie just shared an update on its official website announcing a slight delay for both Destiny 2‘s Shadowkeep expansion and the free-to-play version, New Light.

And just this past month, Bungie unveiled the first stages of these changes with the launch of the most recent update which teased the armor 2.0 system. The Solstice of Heroes event offered access to the new armor system built around allowing players to mod other gear in the same way they currently do weapons. It’s a welcome change, and offers a ton more build variety, giving way to potentially more aggressive play styles. And even though the full feature set is delayed, fans are still pretty excited to get their hands on the full expansion.

The major release was supposed to occur this September, specifically on the 17th, but that’s not happening now obviously. The date has been pushed back to October 1st. That means that the launch to Google Stadia, as the mainline free game on the streaming service, has been pushed as well. Though the game is still coming to Steam, so that’s good news.

There is some good news coming out of this announcement though, as Bungie does have some new content planned ahead of the release of Shadowkeep. The next major patch will introduce the new Raid Garden of Salvation, and that will begin on October 5th. So while some players will no doubt be disappointed the developer wants to make sure this major shift for the game is up to the standards fans have set over the years. According to Bungie, the releases need more fine-tuning and “a bit more time in the oven.”

With the extra time, let’s just hope Bungie gets everything right and manages to give the fans what they want.

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