Destiny 2 has added a literal ton of new items and mechanics in its latest expansion. Bungie fans are salivating over all of the new exotics that just dropped. The new weapon crafting system in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen is a huge addition to the game. Gathering and using resources to make the weapons and gear you want is a huge uplift in the quality of life for the game. Players are busy rushing around, trying to find those new Deepsight weapons and caches, learning what secrets they hold. You have a lot to do when it comes to actually earn all these new weapons.
The game has so many options that it’s hard to get your head on straight about which ones you want. Destiny 2 has received a new batch of content that has made an obscene mess of the meta-game. Players are rushing around trying to craft and level the new weapons, all while trying to figure out the new god rolls. Adding to all that is a ton of complexity from Origin Traits and new perk combos.
How to get Funnelweb in Destiny 2
Funnelweb SMG is very easy to get your hands on. You will need to put some time into finding it, but not too much. Go out and pop some Engrams or maybe run some missions. The drop can come from any source, not just in seasonal unlocks or rewards tracks.
Funnelweb PvE God Roll
- Smallbore or Arrowhead Brake
- Tactical Mag
- Subsistence
- Frenzy
- Masterwork: Reload
- Mod: Spec Mod
Funnelweb PvP God Roll
- Smallbore or Arrowhead Brake
- Accurized Rounds
- Pulse Monitor or Subsistence
- Elemental Capacitor or Rangefinder
- Masterwork: Reload or Stability
- Mod: Spec Mod