General Gaming News

Death Stranding Director’s Cut is coming to PC

Death Stranding: Director's Cut

Death Stranding has been lingering on the edge of awareness for a while now. The game fronted by Norman Reedus was a very niche experience, with Kojima Productions trying very hard to make a point about the broken nature of politics. And despite it being pretty bizarre, it found a lot of success. The launch of the game helped propel the console market to a new high, along with many other major releases.

And now, we’re hearing about it again, months later. Death Stranding Director’s Cut is now getting some new life breathed into it, mostly with a PC port. Sam Porter Bridges returns with a kart racing mini-game, which is a great option for a game about building hyper-advanced roads. Developer 505 Games has also promised that this version will also include the PC-exclusive DLC from the game’s original release. Namely, folks get the Half-Life crossover headcrab and the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC that added bonus missions.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut originally launched on September 24, 2021, exclusively to the PS5. The port will include all of the other content from the conversion. And in addition to the new PC content, technical aspects are being improved. The new version will include multiple technical improvements such as “high frame rate, photo mode and ultra-wide monitor support”.

Along with that, players will get a new Xe Super Sampling technology ported in. This is the Intel answer to DLSS and offers a similar super-sampling process. Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) is Intel’s open-source answer to Nvidia’s DLSS and AMD’s FSR, and includes a few improvements. The goal with XeSS, according to Intel, is to give players both high framerates and high resolution without harming performance.

There’s no specific date just yet, but Death Stranding Director’s Cut will launch on the PC simultaneously via the Epic Games Store and Steam. The original version took a while to jump over to PC. It was actually delayed due to development issues a while back.

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