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DayZ is finally coming out of Early Access on December 13

DayZ Finally Leaves Early Access on December 13

After years of waiting by fans and gamers, it’s finally here, the fully finished release version of DayZ is finally coming out. The iconic zombie survival shooter combo that enraptured the gaming scene for years is finally coming out a full standalone product.

DayZ has been in development for more than five years, and the game has gone through a ton of changes in that time. Bohemia Interactive originally launched the game on Steam’s Early Access segment on December 16, 2013, and since then the game has changed so much. The game got it’s start as a mod for the 2009 tactical shooter video game ARMA 2 and its 2010 expansion pack, ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead. That was way back in 2012, where the game originally found a hardcore fanbase and tons of support from the community. Within the first few months of that year, more than one million people played the original version of DayZ.

Over the course of the next couple of years, things changed and the course of the game changed substantially. The original creator of the mod, Dean Hall, took a job at the ARMA developers Bohemia Interactive to assist with development on a fully standalone version of DayZ.

The game went through some issues in 2013, even missing it’s original alpha release window, before pushing out a much rougher version of the standalone title. Since then, things have improved by leaps and bounds. The last couple of months alone have seen some of the most substantial updates to DayZ in it’s history, with heaps of bug fixes, new and polished content, and plenty of other patches.

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And all of that work seems to have paid off, Bohemia reports that over 4 million people have played DayZ. DayZ is currently available on Xbox One through the early-access Game Preview program. A full launch is scheduled for 2019, along with a port for PlayStation 4. So that means even more gamers will get to join in on the zombie killing action.

Check out the full launch trailer for DayZ down below. Until December 13th, DayZ will still be sold at the Early Access price of $34.99. After it releases with the 1.0 update, the price will increase to $44.99. If you want to get it for yourself before this price jump, you can head over to Steam right now and download it.

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