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Darkest Dungeon 2 Officially Revealed

Darkest Dungeon 2 Revealed

The newest game from Red Hook Studios has officially been announced. Red Hook has revealed the continuations of their incredibly difficult, and forgive the play, dark, Darkest Dungeon franchise with a new teaser trailer.

The original Darkest Dungeon was infamous for both its inventive art and gameplay design, as well as notoriously high difficulty curve. But it was such a complex game with so much depth to both the characters and mechanics that it quickly earned a loyal fanbase. The game featured a ragtag group of hunters, religious zealots and other followers you attract delve into the depths of a depraved and dangerous world, hoping to uncover the mystery of what happened to your family. The 2016 game was great for many reasons, so great that ed Hook released two expansion packs for Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court and The Color of Madness.

Seriously, this game is fiendishly difficult to the point of rage-inducing, just ask this guy:

Red Hook has said that the new game will be a very different experience in terms of scope and story, but that the combat system players loved and loathed from the original would be making a return in a tuned up version. The metagame will be “completely different,” however; we’re leaving the village behind and we can likely expect traveling through icy passes to require a different kind of management.

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The team has grown a bit since 2016, so Red Hook has bother the staff and experience to deliver an even more finely tuned experience for fans this time around. I can’t wait to play it.

Check out the teaser trailer down below. No other details about Darkest Dungeon 2 have been released yet. So we don’t know if it’s coming to platforms other than PC, or what the planned release date is, but we’ll be sure to keep you posted when we find out.

Source: PC Gamer

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