
Dance on all five Colored Bridges in Fortnite

Fortnite 2.88 Update Patch Notes

Another week, another new set of challenges and Easter eggs in Fortnite. It’s the third week of the XP Extravaganza, and players are rushing to gather that sweet burst of rewards before the season wraps up. There are a bunch of POIs that have been altered with various spawns. The Stark Robots are back again, so it’s time to hunt them down.

But beyond that, there’s a bunch more content to explore. The other main XP Extravaganza challenge this week is to dance emote on all five Colored Bridges in Fortnite in a single match. Here’s how to do that as quick as possible.

Dance on all five Colored Bridges in a single match

The challenge is simple, it’s just a matter of logistics.  Perform an emote on top of the bridges across the map. There are five bridges in all, and you need to emote on each one:

  • Yellow Steel Bridge
  • Green Steel Bridge
  • Blue Steel Bridge
  • Red Steel Bridge
  • Purple Steel Bridge
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The easiest way to complete this challenge is to use a Choppa and fly around the map. Use the image below to find the locations you need to head to. You can spot the bridges from the air, so just hover over to them and land. Once the area is clear, you can jump out of the Choppa and get going towards the bridge. Just bust a move and move on to the next one. Complete all five routes and you’re done.

How to dance on all five Colored Bridges in a single match

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