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Conan Unconquered shows off new gameplay in trailer

Funcom and Petroglyph have released some new details about their upcoming strategy release, based on a very popular fiction franchise you may have heard of. Conan Unconquered is the title of this new game, bringing wave-based strategy mechanics to the PC next month. The publisher and developer duo has also dropped a gameplay trailer for the new title, which can be seen below.

Conan Unconquered, much like the source material, isn’t shying away from brutality and bloodshed either. As the player’s defenses hack away at the oncoming hordes of enemies, of which there are multiple types each presenting their own challenges, you’ll notice that bodies and bits will start to pile up, leaving a path of destruction across each level as you play. You will also have to contend with your fortifications being overrun by fire, so  there’s more than just the hordes knocking at your door that you need to worry about. Although the challenge can get too much to bare at times, you do have something hidden away to chase off the enemies with. The massive Avatar units which can be unleashed upon the battlefield will tear through legions of baddies without breaking stride, so keep those handy for the really tough fights.

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You and a friend can join forces too, as the game has built-in support for co-op play, which enables two players to work together to build and defend a shared stronghold.

This new title is currently aiming for a May 30th release. Funcom and Petroglyph are wanting to release this new strategy game based on the iconic franchise on PC via Steam, and speaking of Steam, go head over to the store page to learn more about this new game.

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