The Endwalker MSQ includes a quest called A Fisherman’s Friend in Final Fantasy XIV. As with any FF14 expansion, there are a load of side quests to do with various jobs and activities. There are once again many fishing quests and other jobs you have to do throughout the expansion. You’ll need to complete the Main Scenario quest On Low Tide before reaching A Fisherman’s Friend. Do that first.
Once you have reached the NPC to begin the quest, you need to speak with three other NPCs: Mehrunnah, Nashreen, and Bhazahma. Your job is to buy and sell some fish. During the quest, you need to speak with each one and give them specific responses to get the sale. It actually doesn’t matter if you complete each sale or not, you complete the quest anyways.
Here are each NPCs responses, and what happens when you pick them. The first NPC is found at the end of the dock where you first get the quest. As you move around the pier, you will find the other two. The quest is finished when you reach the end of the pier and the cutscene plays.
If you choose Fish, Fish! I got fish here! Fresh fish, straight from the sea’s bosom to your mouth
You fail to make a sale
If you choose Greetings, friend. How fare you of late
He greets you, and the next chain begins.
There’s no place like home, but don’t do anything dangerous.
Neutral response.
Speaking of meals, why not some fresh fish today?
You make a sale and get some fish.
If you choose Amra Shmamra! My fresh fish is the only thing you need!
You fail to make a sale
If you choose What do you need so many amra for?
Neutral response.
You ask if she is actually hungry
Neutral response.
Do you like fish?
You make a sale and get some fish.
If you choose Some fresh fish will settle your stomach, and mine are the freshest of all
You fail to make a sale
If you choose You should take it easier-eat more slowly and savor your food
Neutral response.
How do you intend to prepare?
You fail to make a sale
How about some fresh fish
You fail to make a sale