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Can you play Temtem offline?

Temtem is just Pokemon

A lot of people want to play Temtem, the Pokémon-esque adventure from Spanish developer Crema. There’s so many players that even trying to register a new account has led to issues and crashes on the servers. The development team has pushed patches to fix these issues somewhat, but expect some instability and other issues for a little bit until things calm down. Crema, the company behind the huge Early Access MMO, has also pushed the first major patch for Temtem this week. Within the patch, the vast adventure has been made a bit smoother and more accessible with new translations and a handful of fixes and tweaks. The delays with getting into the game has led some to wonder. Some are curious if you can turn off the online function to purely play the game offline?

Unfortunately, Crema have no current plans to bring the game into an offline state or add any kind of singleplayer campaign. As of now, you’re stuck either playing solo online or taking on the adventure with a friend. Yes, there are co-op options. You can do the entire campaign with a friend and complete it alongside one another.

The question of offline play has been posed before, and the answer has seemingly always been the same. Back when the game first landed on Kickstarter, the developers said as much. And as Temtem moved through it’s alpha testing, the same answer came down in regards to offline play.

The gameplay within Temtem is pretty straightforward. As a Tamer you adventure across the land and catch various powerful Temtem, training them to do battle. Journey to various Dojos and take on strong Tamers to earn badges that show your prowess. Developer Crema plans to expand the adventure to multiple islands, adding new Dojos and more monsters as they go. There could also be some side activities to take on.

If you’re one of those new players in Temtem, you might be a little lost. If you’re having trouble grasping game mechanics, we have some help for you. Temtem is a monster collecting game very similar to Pokémon, so the there’s the need for a type weakness guide. There’s also a guide on the Starter Temtems.

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