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Can you play Sniper Elite 5 without Anti-Cheat?

Sniper Elite 5 Weapons Trailer

Sniper Elite 5 was just announced a while back, with the game all about blowing holes in fascists getting a full revamp and tons of new features in the sequel. Alongside a roster of new missions and an arsenal of iconic WWII weapons, there are a bunch more features thrown in this time around. Weapon variety also brings along with it a mountain of options for customization to fit your playstyle. You can truly fight the war of attrition against the fascists in your own way.

Players will even be able to take the battle online by joining various multiplayer modes. But with that comes a very big caveat, cheaters. When you go online, particularly in PC games, cheaters tend to crop up. So developers have to bring in somewhat invasive methods to catch and ban them. Rootkit-like implementations are not uncommon, as are ones that cause drastic hits to performance, such as the case of frame stutter caused by EAC in Elden Ring. With all these new and redone online modes, comes a burning question—will there be anti-cheat, and will you have to toggle it on to play the entire game?

Will the be Sniper Elite 5 Anti-Cheat?

So with all that in mind, do you have to use anti-cheat for this game? Sniper Elite 5 Anti-Cheat will be a thing, unfortunately. Thankfully, it doesn’t apply to every game mode, so you can play offline in some modes. You can still game solo and have tons of fun, but going online has tradeoffs.  Those without Anti-Cheat can play Solo and Campaign missions without issue, it’s the other modes where it becomes a problem.

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The engine for the anti-cheat detection and banning has been revealed to be a key part of the online modes for the sequel. Those who don’t have the process running that the game is looking for won’t be able to join online sessions. The following modes in Sniper Elite 5 are locked to the online component.

  • Co-op
  • Axis Invasion
  • Competitive Multiplayer

And while there’s been no confirmation of performance issues with this instance of the software, that could be seen on release, so keep that in mind.

Players can install Anti-Cheat software at any point in their playthrough, so if you want to play multiplayer game modes at a later date, feel free to manually install it at that time.

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