Minecraft Dungeons is a fun game, but like any game it’s better with friends. So if you’re jumping in to take on the mobs with your pals, you’ve got some options. The new ARPG has a friends list function you can use to play with your friends on certain platforms. The game supports both local and online play with people on the same platforms.
But when you’re going around the game world with friends, you might want to share items and loot. And that leads to a simple question. Can you drop items in Minecraft Dungeons?
Unfortunately, there is no way to drop or trade items in the typical RPG manner of dropping them for someone to pick up. Players won’t be able to swap loot around. You do share consumables though. So if you get a drop from an enemy, another player can’t grab it, but they will be able to get charges for the healing potion, for example.
Also, if an enemy drops a potion, a piece of food, or arrows, those can be used by any of the players in the current game. So be sure to ask your buddies if they need these items before you grab them. And be sure to call dibs on the items that drop if you need them.
So the inability to drop items in Minecraft Dungeons is a downside, but there’s a way around it. It’s a very good idea to look at the loot tables for each zone to check for items you’re looking for. If you need a certain artifact, it’s best to target the zone where it has the best drop chance. You have the option to go after any mission or zone within the game once it has been unlocked, so there’s no real restriction once you hit the endgame farming.
Keep in mind that the toughness of mobs and the drop volume increases with more players in the game, so groups are the way to play if you want literal mountains of loot.