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Bethesda announced Starfield, first major new IP in decades

Bethesda Starfield Teaser

Today, Bethesda announced a new game called Starfield at their E3 2018 Press Conference. Little is known about the game so far aside from the fact that it is planned to be the first installment in the series and will be the first wholly original IP from Bethesda in more than 20 years.

According to the twitter announcement, the game will be a “next-generation single-player epic”. Now whether it turns into a piece of nothingburger junk like No Man’s Sky remains to be seen, given that similar phrasing was used to hype that piece of crap. But I can’t imagine Bethesda stooping that low.

And with Bethesda pumping out Fallout 76 and a bunch of Elder Scrolls stuff, including Elder Scrolls VI, they have their nose to the grindstone making some quality games we can enjoy until we get our hands on whatever this thing is.

Check out the teaser below for Starfield. If you want the full Bethesda presser recording, that’s down there as well.

Starfield is currently in development, and will be releasing on the next generation of consoles. Which by the way, both Sony and Microsoft are actively in the early stages of working on. So we can safely assume that we won’t even see a playable build of Starfield until 2019 or later.

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