General Gaming News

Battlefield V Gets Delayed to November 20

Battlefield V

Battlefield V has announced a month-long delay for it’s highly anticipated launch today. This will hopefully lead to a more balanced and fulfilling game, we’ll just have to wait and see. The new release date alters the competitive landscape the game will face on launch as well.

In the announcement, the team said that the primary reason for the delay is about making “some final adjustments to core gameplay” in response to player feedback from the various tests and live demos of the game at conventions like Gamescom. DICE general manager Oskar Gabrielson also referenced changes like “adjusting the gameplay tempo, improving soldier visibility and reducing player friction,” and even mentioned that some of these adjustments would be live for the Beta in September.

Here’s a more thorough rundown from EA DICE as they explain their decision for the delay:

We believe we have one of the best Battlefield games ever on our hands. A game that will deliver on an emotional journey through the return of unseen single player War Stories, a deep multiplayer experience, Battle Royale, along with our new live service, Tides of War – a journey across multiple theaters of WW2 and designed to keep our community together.

With the Open Beta just around the corner, we are excited about the millions of you who will join us and experience the game. And we fully expect to see even more feedback coming our way.

And that’s why we’re moving our launch date. We’re going to take the time to continue to make some final adjustments to core gameplay, and to ensure we really deliver on the potential of Tides of War.

This does have one added benefit for the game, in that it no longer has to directly compete for launch attention with other titanic titles like Black Ops 4 (October 12) and Red Dead Redemption 2 (October 26). Though this does mean that it will now have to compete with Fallout 76, which releases November 14.

Whatever the launch state of the game, let’s just hope this extra time in the oven leads to a much more satisfied fanbase. So take solace in that hope, disappointed gamers.

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