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Bandai Namco starts Souls and Swords video series, retraces roots of SoulCalibur

SOULCALIBUR VI - Swords and Souls: The Rise of SOULCALIBUR Part 1

Bandai Namco are making sure that fans are hyped for SoulCalibur VI, without a doubt. The company has just released the first part of a new video series meant to recap the history of the iconic fighting game franchise. Say hello to the Swords and Souls series.

The video is pretty lengthy, at nearly 15 minutes, but it’s an absolute joy to behold. We see the evolution of many characters, stages and stories from across the entire 3D fighting game franchise. The Soul Calibur franchise being the first 3D fighter cemented itself in gaming history, building it’s own legend over the years among both established and new fans of the genre. It’s crazy to think about, and see, just how far the series has risen from it’s extremely simple and humble beginnings. We’re a far cry from the basic 3D models and animations of Soul Edge at this point, and I’m really excited to see what the future holds.

There’s also a lot of focus put on the competitive scene that has built itself up over the years. The video features interviews with players such as Kayane, Aris, and Bibulous. So anyone familiar with the FGC for Soul Calibur gets a treat here. I can’t wait to see what other elements future installments in the Swords and Souls series reveal about this iconic franchise and its community.

SoulCalibur VI will launch on October 19th for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can see the newest video for the game down below.

In other SoulCalibur VI news, Bandai Namco just released a trailer for the strange new community-created character to join the roster, Wizard Lizard.

Of course this new addition makes up the latest of a significant number of new and returning characters for SoulCalibur VI. Characters like Cervantes, Raphael and Tira have already been announced. Azwel,  the magic-fueled lunatic is joining in on the fun as well. Older characters like Astaroth are getting a new lease on life too. Ivy and Zasalamel are joining the fray as well, because everyone is just coming out of the woodwork on this one. You can check out more of the roster over here.

You could also check out some other gameplay footage of the singleplayer game, as well as as the story mode Libra of Soul.

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