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Anthem’s Cataclysm is live

Anthem Cataclysm Content Coming Soon

It’s pretty hard to deny that this post-launch content has been pretty rocky for BioWare’s big AAA shooter. Anthem suffered from a ton of issues with both bugs and core design problems since launch, making the whole game feel unfinished for many players. 2019 has been a pretty rough year for the shooter, and it’s certainly not the kickoff that EA and BioWare wanted, so they’re working hard to rectify that. Now those efforts are finally paying off with some new content coming out.

Something Anthem fans have been waiting for has finally begun. The next phase of content for the ailing shooter has kicked off with the launch of Cataclysm. The spate of new content comes in the form of challenges as part of the ongoing Oncoming Storm events. Players will be tasked with completing new challenges and storylines to earn in-game currency and rewards of other kinds.

The event itself is requiring players to destroy 20 Crystals, complete 8 crystal world events, and take out 60 crystallized enemies. Completing these tasks will award players with 2,000 Coins and a special Arcanist’s Monument graphical cosmetic.

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Along with these new challenges, the game world will be getting some tweaks as well. Fort Tarsis also has a new vendor stall, for example, although there’s no vendor there yet, so nothing new to buy. Although it’s pretty likely that this new vendor will tie into Cataclysm in some way. Freeplay mode is also getting some new enemy types in various challenges and missions.

Anthem is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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