General Gaming News

Anthem fires back against loot backlash with a new patch


Anthem has had it pretty rough since it launched earlier in 2019. Bioware and EA have been trying very hard to bring the players that have fled the game back into the fray. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, strap in because this is a really interesting story.

When Anthem launched, despite being an OK game, there were some serious problems, from stability issues and game crashes, to major bugs that made it impossible to even play the game. And it’s these bugs that are the point of interest here, because as Bioware attempted to fix issues, they ended up creating many more.

One particular bug concerned loot drops and both their rarity and frequency. Somehow, through a glitch in quality assurance procedures or just a more general miscommunication, a version of the loot system was deployed to the live servers with a seriously amped up drop rate. And this problem wasn’t noticed for some time, and since players had become accustomed to the high drop rate, rolling back the problem meant major trouble. The backlash to the change that “accidentally” nerfed loot drops in this game was so severe that some gamers even called for a total boycott.

Now, Bioware and EA are trying to make things right by adjusting the loot systems with a new server-side update.

It’s a pretty simple and small patch, but these server-side adjustments have a pretty huge potential to bring some players back to the troubled landscape of Anthem. Bioware isn’t saying how much the drop rates have been increased but EA Global Community Manager Andrew Johnson says they are “significant.”

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And loot isn’t the only thing the devs are working on with this and future patches. The plan to improve the game needs a ton more work. There’s potential for reworks to damage and health scaling, the potential rolls for inscriptions on items, and eventually entirely new content for Anthem.

Here’s the basic overview of the changes from EA:

In the latest server-side update, we’ve made some notable changes to the loot drop rate in specific scenarios, which will take effect immediately in a server-side tuning update (you will not need to download anything.)

These changes include:

  • Masterwork & Legendary drop rates have been increased for Grandmaster 2 and Grandmaster 3 difficulty levels.
  • Masterwork & Legendary drop rates have been increased for harder enemies at all difficulty levels. This includes: Legendary Ancient Ash Titan, Elite Ancient Ash Titan, Legendary Fury, Legendary Ursix and Legendary Luminary.

Anthem is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. If you want to pick up the game, go grab a copy on Amazon.

Source: EA

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