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Activision suing Call of Duty cheat site

Activision suing Call of Duty cheat site, CxCheats

Trying to use a Call of Duty cheat will get a lot harder soon, and it could get you into some legal hot water. Activision has filed a major lawsuit against a Call of Duty cheat site that sold programs for hacking. The site in particular, CxCheats, has since closed down operations. This was likely the overall goal of the suit in the first place, as they can’t really contest the suit without major expense.

CxCheats issued the following statement onto their site after shutting down their Discord server and main website.

“As a result of our lawsuit with Activision, we have agreed to cease development and support for all Call of Duty related products or services sold through the site,” said the statement posted by the screenname Cam, “These products will not be returning to CxCheats in any form.” Going further the statement issued an apology to players affected by cheating saying, “We apologize for any pain we’ve caused to players of Call of Duty.”

If you’re playing online games of any kind, you’re no stranger to cheating of some kind. Whether it’s aim/wallhacks in shooters, or botters in MMOs, there’s a lot to deal with. Players and businesses want to gain an advantage over many other players, and they will cheat to get it. In the case of shooters like Call of Duty, the majority of cheats will focus on auto-aiming hacks and other such cheats.

These hacks have been a fixture of online shooters for years, and that’s no different for Call of Duty Warzone. The cheats have been pumped out by various outlets since launch, and players have loudly complained about it.

Activision and Infinity Ward have tried to respond with massive ban waves, but it’s clearly not enough. The platform is still plagued with hackers of various kinds. Now it seems that the companies are going after the source. Their recently filed lawsuit targets one of the bigger cheating websites on the internet, and it’s about to get ugly for cheaters.

This currently won’t deal with the widespread problem of cheating in multiplayer games, but it certainly helps. There have always been issues with cheating, and there will be for some time. Even if other developers for games like PUBG or Apex Legends went after cheaters in lawsuits, it would just push cheaters in a new direction. The choice is to either play a cat-and-mouse game with cheat makers, or to instead invest time and money in cheat detection and banning procedures to lock out individual cheaters instead. The efficacy of either approach is hard to say.

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