Asobo studio wants you to know the stakes in A Plague Tale: Innocence. We’ve seen the brutal and deadly world they’re building through behind-the-scenes trailers. Now they developer is taking us on a journey into the past and the future of Amicia and her brother Hugo. To that end, there is a new story trailer aimed at informing the viewer what has happened in their life up to this point, and why it’s so important.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is a surprising and grim mixture of stealth and worldbuilding that combines to make the player really fear their circumstances. Whether it’s fleeing from the Inquisition or dodging huge rat swarms, there’s a ton of danger in this particular game world. As you travel across this grueling world, on the run from the Inquisition which burned your home and seemingly killed your family, Hugo and Amicia will endure a much larger struggle than they could have ever imagined.
A Plague Tale: Innocence tells it’s story through stealth-dominated gameplay interspersed with in-engine cutscenes, which creates a pretty seamless means of storytelling overall. I have to wonder what will happen with their story. Guess I’ll just have to play it to find out.
Speaking of rats, there’s a lot of stock being put into the simulation and AI of these nasty blighters. The game models up to 5,000 of them in individual swarms that prowl the levels of the game, and you want to avoid any and all contact with them. Not just because they’re vicious and will eat you alive, but because they obviously carry the bubonic plague, the primary cause of much of the strife in this particular historical setting.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is due out on May 14th for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.