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A Plague Tale: Innocence gameplay trailer

A Plague Tale Innocence

At Gamescom 2018, there’s a lot of games being announced or getting new details and trailers. The newest game from Asobo Studio looks to the pile, the corpse pile that is.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is set in England during a time of strife, disease and conflict. Being set in the year 1349, there’s quite a few problems plaguing the changing nation. The Black Death has descended on the nation, which itself fueled great social and political upheaval. This is also the midst of the Hundred Years War, in which many lives were lost and fortunes were ruined.

It’s against this tumultuous backdrop that the player takes control of Amicia and Hugo, and with one task in mind, you set about your quest. That singular objective is to make sure that Amicia and Hugo survive. But don’t think that’s going to be easy.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is borrowing a page from the books of games like Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and is looking to craft an engaging, albeit disgusting, narrative. And because of course there are, one of the issues you’ll have to contend with it an entire plague of rats. But because this is a video game, A Plague Tale: Innocence takes some liberties with the way rats behave. So expect entire legions of biting and scratching piles of poo to chase you around.

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A Plague Tale is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Check out the latest trailer for the game down below.

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